Juror Information

Your job as a juror is to listen to all the evidence presented at trial, then “decide the facts” — decide what really happened. The judge’s job is to “decide the law” — make decisions on legal issues that come up during the trial.  Everyone must do their job well if our system of trial by jury is to work.

You do not need special knowledge or ability to serve as a juror. It is sufficient that you keep an open mind, use common sense, concentrate on the evidence presented, and be fair and honest in your deliberations.

Remember: Do not be influenced by sympathy or prejudice. It is vital that you be impartial with regard to all testimony and evidence presented at the trial.

Tipton County recognizes no exemption from jury service except for those individuals with severe emotional or physical problems that preclude them from working and are supported by a health professional’s certificate; and those who are 75 years of age or older who request to be excused. Any other request to be excused (for example, vacation or occupation) will not be automatically granted. Every individual circumstance will be reviewed and considered upon a written request for deferral. However, it is your responsibility as a potential juror to follow up with the court (and not make any assumptions) in regards to your written request for a deferral from service.

If you have thoroughly read the Jury Summons and still have questions regarding jury service, or you have lost your summons, please call (765) 675-2791 for further assistance and information.

We hope you find your experience as a juror interesting, educational and rewarding. Jury service is the foundation of the American judicial process. Your participation in jury service for Tipton County is invaluable and greatly appreciated.